

grow in faith and family

Join us 9:00 or 10:30 Sunday mornings

our vision for the local church

We believe it is essential to know, live, and give grace as we share the Gospel of Jesus Christ

Grace Image

Know Grace

Embracing God's unconditional love and forgiveness.

Live Grace

Showing kindness and forgiveness in everyday life.

Give Grace

Sharing love and support with others.

check out our recent sermon series

The World of Jesus

This four part series has the viewer considering where they focus their efforts and desires. Is it on the things of this earth or on their future in heaven?

In My Eyes

This six-week series looks at the life of Jesus in his brief time with his disciples, gaining an understanding of his teaching and love for his flock.

Grieving With God

This short sermon series explores the book of Judges to see what insights and lessons can be gained from those God fearing judges of Israel at the time.

Announcements and Calendar



Our general giving helps keep the daily operations of our church moving like building expenses, staff salaries, and the ministries we steward.

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